Monday, February 1, 2010

Shedding-Garlic Treatments

As promised in my previous post, here are some garlic treatments to remedy shedding.

Odorless Garlic Pills
  • 1-3 Tablets/day
  • Pick these up at your local drugstore.  I got mine from CVS for a few bucks.  This is a great option because of the other advantages you get from garlic.  As a natural antibiotic, garlic is effective in fighting toxic bacteria, fungus, and viruses.  Garlic is also great for heart health, blood pressure, the immune system.....uhhh you get the point.

*Queen Helene Garlic Shampoo is about $4.  The other two are a bit too much for me to spend when I can create my own alternative treatment.  I am a firm believer of DIY recipes.  A lot of things I put in my hair come straight from my kitchen.  Not only is it much cheaper, but I love knowing exactly what is in my hair.  I hate putting products in my hair with ingredients that I can't even pronounce.

Here are some other alternatives that you can easily do with the garlic in your kitchen

Garlic Powder-via
1. 1 tbsp of Garlic Powder
2. Mix or blend with EVOO, Castor Oil, or Jojoba--should create a thin paste
3. Apply to scalp and hair
4. Cover with shower cap-do not add heat, your body heat is sufficient
    --leave on for 30 minutes-1hr
5. Wash hair with a gentle shampoo and condition

Garlic & Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
1.  Soak cloves garlic in EVOO (peeled cloves of course)
2.  Apply oil to scalp as a pre-poo.
3.  Leave on for 30 minutes-1 hour with plastic cap on
4.  Shampoo & Condition

**When using cloves of garlic, you can really substitute other ingredients in.  I have heard of people using garlic cloves with honey, coconut oil, etc.  Try some things out and see what you like best.  

**If you are really worried about the smell, try mixing in some of your favorite essential oil.  

**Some women even use minced garlic with their favorite oil.  They warm the two together to infuse.

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